So, this is the part where you get to know me…
Welcome to Reblogga’s Beck! 2024’s focus will be on the series: 16 thoughts on the 16th.
See you on the 16th.
<3 Reb
The Hanged Man
Sitting on the couch, icing my knee after an injury, and thinking about The Hanged Man. What did you do last week?
Be Prepared…
This year is off to a slow start and I’m here to tell you that a slow start is a good thing, a necessary thing. This brings me to my latest mantra: Be flexibly prepared.
Full Moon in Aries
Welcome to the Full Moon from across the world! She’s bright and beautiful here and soon the Earth will turn enough for North America to see her too. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it!
Wir sind alle auf einem Weg
For the title of this piece I wanted to write “We are all on a path” in German so I wrote what I thought it might be, “Wir sind alles im Weg.” Then I put it into Google translate to find out I had written, “We are all in the way.” Which is also true. I am in my own way more often than not.
Die Heimat
Die Heimat is the feeling of home beyond spatial definition. The feeling of safety and tradition that can be trusted overtime. How do I replicate this feeling when I feel scared, or lonesome or lost, especially as I travel across the atlantic?
Heats and Waves
We are in Leo season. We are vibing and we are HOT. The sun is in her power and everyone, or at least everyone in the northern hemisphere, knows it.
Putting the Finesse in Forgiveness
Jump into my brain about the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Scorpio has the greatest capability of all the signs to connect to a deeper well of emotions and full moons, and even more so, Lunar Eclipses are a time for us to tap into what no longer serves us.
Stumbling into Aries Season
A new season and a new astrological year in the skies and with it comes inspiration and new starts. But what if you are having trouble stepping into this new chapter?
Ode to the day after Mercury Retrograde
Many people talk about Mercury retrograde while it’s happening but fewer people talk about what to do after Mercury goes direct.
3 Toms Walk into a Bar
I wanted more musical joy, I asked for more musical joy, and Tom Waits, The 3 Toms, and The Mystery Man from the Quest all those years ago were being used as tools by the universe to give me a huge signal.
October 5th
Today is October 5th, the day my identical twin sister Erin died, 33 years ago. Knowing she is with me helps me understand how much we are all connected, not just me and my twin, but every soul physically living or not. One consciousness spread out like the branches of a tree.
Eight Wands and the Twisties
Today I’m coming at you with the 8 of wands, a numeric card from the minor arcana of the Tarot deck. Wands are the suit of action, creativity, intuitive ambition, and eights are a whole other ball of wax…
In the Mouth of the Wolf
Last week, I felt the pressure of being in the mouth of the wolf once again and I won’t lie, I almost let it bite me…I hope I have the faith to lean into the path the universe has for me, rather than the plan I’ve set for myself. Because as imaginative and creative as I am, the universe can always outdo me.
Practicing Practicing
Being creative and being PERSISTENT with being creative inevitably has ups and downs. It helps keep in perspective that even if you’re in the midst of something going less than perfect, just keep breathing and set yourself up to succeed the next time.
Johannes Factotum
I am, and always will be, a multifaceted person…I’ve never had a favorite piece of myself.