The Hanged Man

An image from the BEAUTIFUL book by Laetitia Barbier, “Tarot and Divinations Cards: A Visual Archive”

Hello! Hello!

I am back in the city, home from a trip to Vermont last week to learn how to ski! Can you believe an adventurous snow bunny like myself has never skied before?! Cliff falling jokes aside, I am here to say skiing is definitely my style. Kind of terrifying, definitely glorifying, and always funny. One crumby thing is, I hurt my knee a little. Not too bad, thankfully, but it has slowed me down this week. 

The morning after my tumble on the slopes I pulled a Tarot card and got The Hanged Man. A depiction of a fella strapped to a tree by one ankle and dangling towards the ground. I rolled my eyes at the absolute literalness of the card as I balanced on my one good leg and reminded myself of the meaning. Forced rest leading to a change in mindset. Such a halting that you have no choice but to sit back, be quiet, and regroup, giving yourself time to think and (more importantly) listen to the quieter stuff you can avoid when you’re busy. The Hanged Man is such a large internal shift that it forces you into a new perspective while staying subtle on the outside. The Hanged Man is not really a retreat to aloneness like the Hermit or meditative contemplation like the High Priestess, but there is an aspect of change coming, which for me right now, requires some retreat and contemplation. 

So, that’s what I’ve been doing the last 10 days… Writing on Reblogga’s Beck today feels a little like an emergence though.

Blessings to all of you! I hope the new moon in Pisces today brings you lots of high hopes and lofty dreams.

<3 Reb

First day skiing! I’m a natural!

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