16 on the 16th Series: May

This month has felt like a bajillion years long yet, here I am on the 16th again! Mercury finally is out of Aries, moving on to the party in Taurus, and I have a lot to say so let’s get to it:

  1. I had a thought that maybe I ran out of thoughts and I couldn’t keep this blog going. But then I realized THAT is a thought I could use! 

  2. I have been having such a good time puting men in their place lately. It’s as simple as not letting them speak to me like I’m an idiot. And overall I’ll say, the response from them has been mixed. Example 1: I was having a lovely chat with someone about a necklace, a chat I tend to have with the women in my life way more often than men. But this man, who called himself her husband, apparently had more knowledge and experience in necklaces than either of us, so he inserted himself into our conversation to say something fucking stupid to belittle his wife and me. She was saying my necklace reminded her of a necklace she owned and he HAD to correct her and tell her how dissimilar those necklaces were. Paraphrase: “Babe, they have COMPLETELY different knot patterns on a metal circle with a black string.” Like who do you think you are, Miranda Preasly? Shut up dude. So I said, “no they’re not identical but I think we can all agree as far as necklaces go, they are more alike than most.”  Then, when he began to reiterate, I felt the need to further explain myself and we looked around the room to use examples of different necklaces and he then admitted that while not identical they could be similar. Absolutely ridiculous. Did I need to do that? Yeah, I felt like I did because you need to not interrupt me. If you don’t have something to add then wait your turn and listen while you wait. As I’m writing this, I’m wondering if I’m a bitch but honestly maybe that guy needed a bitch.

  3. Everyone wants more time, a longer life… but we get mad when we are presented with the opportunity to practice patience. But, nothing makes time slow down more than when you have to be patient and wait for something. Im sorry-  Is my Aries showing? But really, isn’t that all patience is? The struggle of being present while wanting to not be? I have had to practice patience a lot lately, and if this G train doesn’t come soon I’m gonna hurl myself onto the tracks.

  4. What do your little notes around your work space say about you? I leave little notes to myself constantly and finding them again always makes me chuckle. 

5. I had a beautiful moment with Selena this month. I was making my bed and the song “Dreaming of You” came into my head and I just started humming it to myself. It was on the day that Venus went into Taurus and it felt so perfect. Venus, the planet of beauty, femininity, joy, art was in Taurus, an earth sign that for me falls on my 12th house of private life. So to sing to myself while making my bed, so aligned. I took a moment to be really grateful for the connection and I looked up Selena’s birthday. Wouldn’t you believe it?! We have the same birthday. April 16th, the best day. Selena was in my room singing to me and you can’t convince me otherwise. 

6. Example 2 of putting men in their goddamn place: I was having another lovely conversation with a woman. She and her husband were visiting NYC from Tampa and she was telling me about her day, they had just gone to Moma and now they were gonna walk down the highline. Perfection. What a beautiful day. Until her damn husband, interrupted to cut her off, because “If I let her keep going, she’ll talk to you all day.” And I saw how this woman shrunk, embarrassed by her husband and they got their check and left, but before they went I looked her in the eye and said, “I have loved hearing about your day, I hope you don’t stop sharing your joy with people who want to hear you.” MEN STOP BELITTLING WOMEN.

7. I have been reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and really trying my hardest to be present as often as I can. My life is the most interesting story I’ll ever hear, and not because it’s this presidential history or anything, but because I know it better than any other story I’ve ever heard. And I can see the connections and how my life flows and grows and relates to everything else.

8. I am amazed by the plants that grow under the pressure of New York City. They are fighting a heroic fight and I want to help them. I wish I knew what they were thinking. Life- all life, demands you to be strong.

9. It’s scary to work around drunk men. Men, do you know how scary you are? This is a picture of a what happened when a man wasn’t given a discount that he didn’t even deserve anyway. Just because he was a cop he assumed he was getting a discount. Stuck a pen in his food like a goddamn toddler for $10 off. Screamed and shouted at people half his size. For $10, that he already spent. Absolutely deplorable.

10. I’ve had a lot of thoughts this month that I don’t know how to share yet.

11. February feels like a million years ago. Maybe that’s the push back of being present? My brain can’t go back that far. 

12. This is my FIFTH month doing this blog series. To be honest, I’m a little impressed with myself! Numbering my thoughts has felt so linear but at the same time it really does help me catalogue my life. Why do I need to catalogue my life you ask? Because it’s the coolest story I’ve ever heard. Am I so self centered? Answer: Daily Double

13. Watching Baby Reindeer is an intense art intake but really really gratifying. I’ve been roofied before, I know many people who have, and it’s something that should be discussed without so much shame. Lots of confusion maybe, but hopefully not shame. 

14. Chris Brennan on the Astrology Podcast does a really interesting deep dive into Netanyahu and Ali Khamensi’s chart and the corresponding events in Israel and Gaza. They are both born under the same eclipses that occurred last October and this April. How fated.  Check it out here.

15. Jupiter and Uranus have been activated, they made a conjunction on April 20th. I spent that day with my MN people and what a beautiful day we had. Now Uranus and Jupiter are both one after the next meeting up with the Sun. There is also talk of the sun having conciousness and I’m like… ya, what else is new?

16. Not so much a thought, but an announcement: Molly and I finished our composition and have sent it off to the performers! Working on a music project of this scale is something I haven’t done since grad school and I’m so happy with our collaboration and I can’t wait to hear what it sounds like with real live singers! .  


May 16

ooooeeee this year is cooking! Next time I see you Jupiter will be in Gemini and we will be in 2024 part 2! Can’t wait.

See you on the 16th.


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16 on the 16th Series: June


16 on the 16th Series: April