To the sons of Abraham…

Welcome back! Jan 16th came and went and I felt so much pride and accomplishment with NOT posting a blog. But now I have something to say and while this year my blog does not have a strict theme I am planning to use it as my main form of communication with the public. Fuck Meta, Fuck Elon, Fuck all them. I haven’t deleted my social media accounts but I am limiting my intake and I’m going to post on here and email my subscribers. But it’s 2025 so this is my decision today, but shit’s changing so we will change with it.

As I was finishing up 16 thoughts last year I decided to read a bible in 2025 so I asked my Dad (as my own personal bible scholar) to buy me one he thought I would like. A task, I’m happy to say, he really took to heart. He bought me a very beautifully crafted study bible written by and for women and I’ve been reading it. I started in Revelation (because I wanted to know how it ends) and did you know the end of the world comes when the Queen of prostitutes rides in on 7 headed dragon with 10 crowns? I read this as I was drinking Tension Tamer tea by Celestial Seasons which if you don’t know this logo, please google it now. Also which of the heads get extra crowns? Also, are you taking auditions for the role? Do I need to apply through my manager?

Anyway - today I’d like to talk about Abraham the Father of these many religions. There is a lot of Genesis dedicated to the story of Abraham but the part that has gripped me this week is the original circumcision. According to this God, the human body is evil and dirty (most especially our sexual parts), and we need to cut them out. That will be a sign that you are good with God and you can tell the other people who are also good with God. This section of the Bible is a literal horror story. Abraham went in the night and circumcised all of his slaves and his son Ishmael who was about 7 at the time. To me, this sounds like a horrible night by a very very traumatized man that we THEN WENT AHEAD AND REPEATED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. This spurred a conversation with my Dad who, I really hope starts to hear how hurt he sounds when he defends this world. I’m trying to be compassionate with him because he has only lived within the systems of the patriarchy and to have me questioning those systems my entire life has always been hard on our relationship. But it is damn hard to watch people who say they love you defend people who hate you, and be confused by people who love you.

On the flip side of this, when there is a person, who decides to alter their body, and take ownership of their vessel, and take back the power of their physicality, wouldn’t you believe the sons of Abraham have something to say about it. Taking ownership of your body is the most radical thing you can do to people who don’t have ownership of their own, especially when you don’t fit the mold of beauty in their eyes. But the thing I want to say to all of these hurt people who uphold these systems of oppression is, just because you’ve been hurt does not give you the right to hurt others and MOST CERTAINLY does not give you the right to take away someone else joy. You think you have to do all these things to mark yourself and get God to love you when really you need to find the piece of God in yourself that you are alone, and ask that part to love you. Find your own joy and join us because queer love and joy is the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced. You’re only in this meat suit a short time so better get started.

A picture from the Holigay Cabaret at Brooklyn Art Haus produced by Euphoria Theater Company - Mooing at these mother fuckers … Moo with me


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16 on the 16th Series: December