Full Moon in Aries

Welcome to the Full Moon from across the world! She’s bright and beautiful here and soon the Earth will turn enough for North America to see her too. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it!

This is a full moon in Aries with the sun in Libra and as an Aries sun AND Aries moon I feel extra hyped to talk about it. 

Aries is the sign of self. With the motto “I am” they are initiators, entrepreneurs, and promoters of their own creativity. Libra’s motto is “I balance”. They are the equilibrium of the zodiac and appreciate all things beautiful, intellectual, and loving. Because of their need to balance there is also a very high emphasis on relationships of all types. 

And wouldn’t you believe all I can seem to do right now is explore my relationship with opera and how I can be my full creative self within the systems in place and still connect with people at a high level.

Opera the art form and opera the business are changing. And I think that’s great! Because when we don’t change and we don’t grow - we die. Simple as that. Not only is the system of opera changing, more and more artists pursuing operatic lives are changing what that means for them. The opera community often instills this idea that if you don’t live, breathe, and consume opera 25/8 then you’re not good enough. If you don’t get X amount of jobs in Y amount of cities by the time you’re Z years old then you should just go fuck yourself. Oh also, you’re not relevant. And you’re fat. Oh, and we need black singers but only for our productions about black stories which we got a grant to do and we plan to use the money on a new lighting system so the yellow-face can really glow next year in our production of Madame Butterfly. 

Okay… reign it in, Reb. 

Opera is not the only way I creatively express. Honestly, it’s not even always my favorite way to express. But, that doesn’t mean I love it any less and that doesn’t mean there isn’t space for me within its world. 

This trip to Germany is very opera centered but it is also very spiritually minded, and introspective. And, also a chance to eat lots of cheese. 

Because, that’s how I am choosing to be an artist right now. This is how I allow the creative magic to come to me and flow through me. I have to trust that as long as I produce the work, the universe will take care of the outcome. I want people to enjoy it, but I can’t force anyone. All I can do is ensure that I am as prepared as possible for when I get to display my art and that I try to have a really good time along the way. So that’s what I plan to do tomorrow in my audition and for the rest of my trip. 

Go outside and check out the moon. And if you want, think about how you can assert yourself within whatever relationship is calling you and watch it rebalance to your will. 

<3 Reb

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