What’s Pluto up to?
Hello, my loves! How is everyone’s Spring?
Is love blooming? Are allergies sucking?
I’m here today to talk to you about Pluto. This has been a topic of conversation lately and so I’m going to give you a basic rundown of the cute faraway planet, that isn’t even classified as a full planet anymore but always will be part of the group in our hearts. Named for the Roman God of the underworld (Hades in Greek), in astrology, Pluto is the planet of transformation through deconstruction. And she just changed signs for the first time in QUITE a while.
Because Pluto is so stinking far away she generally stays in one part of the sky for a long time (15-20 years) before scooting over. From 2008-2023 Pluto was in Capricorn, which is the sign of financial and physical structures. If astrology isn’t real, then why was the period of time when the quiet disruptor (Pluto) entered and left Capricorn book-ended with bank crashes?
Pluto is a planet that subtly changes the dialogue until you are forced to say, “Why the hell are we doing it this way?” Pluto asks us, as a collective society, to reevaluate things that we’ve been sweeping under the rug, things that we want to keep in the shadows, and things we have been avoiding. Pluto takes all that, and puts it in front of all our faces until we have no choice but to see the issues, figure out the root cause, and change.
Now, Pluto is in Aquarius, the sign of innovation. Aquarius is the humanitarian, the breaker of chains, the Mother of Dragons. Aquarius is the protector of the people through information and a progressive agenda. The last time we saw Pluto in this part of the sky was 1778-1798 during the writing of the American Constitution and the French Revolution. The time before that was 1532-1553 when Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church. (If anyone has other non European historical events I’d LOVE to hear them, I know they’re out there).
Aquarius is first and foremost a communicator. All of these historical events were pushed forward by the advances in communication and technology. The translation of the Bible in 1535, from Latin to German and English, revolutionized Christianity and the everyday persons ability to understand their power over the church. In the 18th century there was a huge increase of information available to people through the use of pamphlets, newspapers, and cheaper printing capabilities. Without that technology, the French Revolution would not have been able to reach such a wide scope of the population. And now, as Pluto begins to roll through Aquarius, I am keeping my eye on the increasing availability of AI in our everyday conversation and news outlets. How can we use it for our common good, rather than our humanistic destructive tendencies? Over the next few years, I think we will see how AI and our relationship to them will facilitate and undermine our coming revolution.
I say all this to say, we have a road ahead of us. Pluto bounces back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn for this year and the first part of next year until it finally settles (you guessed it) in November of 2024. She’ll stay in Aquarius until 2043.
There are some really incredible moments that have happened already since Pluto changed signs. The first Presidential indictment, calling out Justice Clarence Thomas’s ethical scandals and misuse of power, and the people coming together in Tennessee after an attempt to silence democracy just to name a few.
As I’ve said, we’ve got a long road ahead of us with this Pluto stuff. A road that in the past has been paved with blood and tyranny masked in progress for the common folk. So, what can we do? Firstly, stay informed and double-check your news sources. Secondly, keep up to date with your local government and authorities. Thirdly, vote with your dollars, if you can.
And lastly, the thing I remind myself day in and day out, know what you do best. Know what makes your corner of the world better. Keep yourself open to the universe’s gifts because they are waiting for you. I wouldn’t call myself a revolutionary activist. I mean, I try my best, I always vote and I protest when I feel compelled but I think my journey this time around is to help people through tarot, communication, and music. So in March when all this was starting up, I said to the universe, how can I be of use right now while Pluto fucks shit up and I just wanna sing songs? And the next week I landed a job singing in an opera that takes place during the French Revolution. No lie. And more on that in my next blog.
Ask yourself, how can you be the best version of yourself when society at large is changing so rapidly? What do you need so that when the world is rocky you feel solid? Not sure? I’m here for you. Let’s have a reading and find out. Because the universe needs your superpower, whatever it is, now more than ever.
<3 Reb
*Not to scale
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