Johannes Factotum
I am, and always will be, a multifaceted person. Perhaps you gathered that by my tri-sectioned website. My entire life I’ve had interests that are vast and varied whether it be sports, music, theater, spirituality, or whatever new hobby piques my interest. For a long time it would confuse people, and myself if I’m being honest. Growing up I got a lot of, “Well what’s your MAIN focus?” and “What do you want to DO?” But just in the way that I’ve never had a favorite color, I’ve never had a favorite piece of myself.
When thinking about this post the last few days I mulled over the term “Jack of all trades”. The original usage comes from the Latin Johannes Factotum, or Johnny does-it-all, and was famously used by the writer Robert Greene as he criticized a conceited actor, or as he put it “upstart crow” who he felt was spreading himself too thin by venturing out and writing plays of his own. He was describing William Shakespeare.
I’ve always looked at the world slightly differently…
It’s taken me a long time to buy into the idea that my multi-facets are not a phase nor a weakness, it’s just who I am. I’m not a solid piece, but I am also not a mismatch of odds and ends. I am a perfectly placed mosaic that is as strong as individual aspects as it is together. Discovering that about myself brings me to think, that if I am made up of many little things, then so are we all. And on a larger scale; maybe we are all the little pieces that together make up the entirety of creation.
<3 Reb
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