Death and Rebirth(ka)
We’re in constant cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth and I’m feeling it extra hard. Surprise Surprise.
Down the Cherry Pit
A second story from the pit inside me. Lots of accomplishments and lots of unknowns.
Dialogues of the Fearful
The synchronicities between this current production and our country have not gone unnoticed on me. We are a society infected by fear which is leading to violence. When is enough, enough?
What’s Pluto up to?
I’m here today to talk to you about Pluto. Now, in Aquarius, the sign of innovation and protector of the people through information and a progressive agenda. The last time Pluto was here was the writing of the American Constitution and the French Revolution.
A New Angle of Grief
Tomorrow, I am singing two new roles that have required a lot of work on my part, not just because they are musically intense but because they have very heavy grief content… but I think I’m ready to face it.
Job Well Done
How can I take this feeling of rejection and allow it to motivate me? I checked into myself and came back to my mother’s golden rule of advice - widen your circle of friends… reach for connection.
The Hanged Man
Sitting on the couch, icing my knee after an injury, and thinking about The Hanged Man. What did you do last week?
Be Prepared…
This year is off to a slow start and I’m here to tell you that a slow start is a good thing, a necessary thing. This brings me to my latest mantra: Be flexibly prepared.
Full Moon in Aries
Welcome to the Full Moon from across the world! She’s bright and beautiful here and soon the Earth will turn enough for North America to see her too. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it!